Library Rules & Routines

In the library, we follow the school-wide positive behavior plan:

"High Five"

Respect Myself....Respect Others....Respect the Environment...Be Safe...Be Ready to Learn


Library Rules

  • Walking feet all the time
  • Use quiet voices
  • Clean up before you leave
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself

Book Check Out Routines

  • Use shelf markers.
  • Use 5 finger rule (Read one page. If you dont know a word, hold up a finger. At the bottom of the page, if you have 4 or 5 fingers up, try again at a later date. Aim for 2-3 fingers up so it's a little challenging but not frustrating to read).
  • Use Destiny (online card catalog) to help you search for books. Don't forget to write down the title, author and call number to help you find the book on the shelf.
  • Use the signs around the library to help you find your books.
  • Go to the circulation desk to have your books scanned.
  • K & 1st grade - Sit in assigned seat to read quietly or color
  • 2nd - 4th grade - Go to library centers. Remember your table #. Check the white board to see which center you should go to. Complete the activity at your assigned center.

Book Care Rules

  • Always keep your book in a safe place
  • Always use a bookmark to save your place
  • Always return your book on your library day
  • Always protect your books from bad weather
  • Never eat or drink while reading
  • Never draw or color in books
  • Never rip or tear pages
  • Never leave books outside
  • Never let small children read your books alone
  • Never leave books where pets can get them
  • Never sit or step on books